Waxing Poetic on Ear Infections

Professional Writing Example

The warm spring and summer months are quickly rejuvenating its yearly exhibitions. Children and adults alike are intoxicatingly gazing at the lakes, water parks and backyard pools to unleash the winter’s restraints. As nature provides an abundance of greens, purples, blues and yellows; birds singing and animals gathering; people, society, and family coming together sharing happy traditions adding to the celebration of life outside of hibernation, and so are bacteria’s, pollens, and microbials.

As these warm months invite us into the pools of youthful life, we should be mindful in preventing these unwanteds from raining on our parade. Having an ear infection or swimmer’s ear during the height of our gaiety is one very unhappy and uncomfortable, yet frequent fun deflator. These ear infections are not limited to our jubilant and impetuous children. Adults too are at risk, if not higher, with myriad options for extreme water sports and adult fun that distract us from taking care of our ears.

Keeping in mind that these unwanteds like warm and moist places, such as ears, there are some simple ways to prevent pesky ear infections from ruining your warm months of fun and sun.

There is a saying, “never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear”. Stay away from Q-tips and remember Ear-tips…

After swimming, tilt both ears over your towel to help drain access water. Then saturate a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide, tilt head and allow the peroxide to drip into ear. You will hear the fizzing and get a little tickle as the peroxide rounds up those pests…go ahead and laugh! Then tilt your ear over the towel, allowing the peroxide and the nasty unwanteds to make their way out; repeat with the other ear. Take another cotton ball and saturate it with alcohol; squeeze and drop into the ear and then release. The alcohol will help dry out the ear after your swimming and peroxide-festivity helping to prevent infection.

Is there an App in the near for Sleep Apnea?

Professional Writing Example

Of course there is, you App and you receive! Many suffer from poor sleep even after having enough “hours” of sleep. Sleep Apnea is a serious condition preventing oxygen to the brain and interfering with the needed deep sleep for daily function. So how do you know if you have sleep apnea? How can you take the first step in making sure you are getting the right amount of actual sleep? Technology is great and getting sufficient sleep is even better.

A great first step in learning your particular sleep habits, cycles, and disruptions is a great little app on the iPhone called SleepCycle Alarm clock. Simply laying your iPhone on the bed when you go to sleep, the phone tracks your movements and breathing patterns to monitor exactly when you reach deep sleep and how long you remain there; to wake you when you will be the most refreshed, naturally within a specified hour to get you to your meeting on time. This is not only a great and inexpensive option to get a more refreshing sleep cycle if you do not suffer from sleep apnea , but also can be an initial detector should you potentially have the disorder.

Many who have sleep apnea go undiagnosed for being unable to know if he or she has it. Taking time off from work or having costly tests made also prevent many from attaining diagnosis and treatment. Perhaps starting with a nifty little app just to get an idea of your sleep variations can better substantiate that call to see a doctor. There are many apps and social networks available online for support, detection, and direct contact with physicians. Knowing… is half the battle and if you feel you may have sleep apnea, contacting your physician is the best armament to win it.

Dizzy to the Core

Professional Writing Example

Vertigo is not a condition reserved to a fear of heights, like Scottie Fergusen in the 1958 film, nor is its symptoms of extreme dizziness and nausea confined to a night of over drinking. After all, how many people willingly visit the doctor after a night of over libation indulgence? The intense feeling of confusion, tingling, anxiety and extreme equilibrium dysfunctions related to the dizziness of vertigo is what drives millions to seek medical attention each year.

Peripheral Vertigo is the most common form of the disease and simply a result of an inner ear imbalance or simply from sinus issues. In this case, the operating of machinery may be the sufferer’s dooming fail.  However, if the individual is suffering from Central Vertigo, the controlling of balance, equilibrium, and eye movements in the brainstem may be effected due to other metabolic or neurological problems.

It is important that if you exhibit sudden impairments in walking or experience moments of severe dizziness not caused by: something known to provoke dizziness, such as some medications, using alcohol, becoming dehydrated, or not having eaten recently, you should have your physician check it out.

Red flags to pay attention to:

Blurred vision



Spinning without changing position


Difficulty swallowing

Unable to walk straight


When speaking with your physician, as always, it is important to identify specific feelings and details about the occurrences to get to the core.

Asthma and the Flu Shot

Professional Writing Example

We as a society have become highly dependent on our new modern technologies and medicines. However, is the Flu Shot, the be all end all in preventing or bettering our recovery in common sicknesses? With over 18 million sufferers of Asthma in the U.S., every flu season those with Asthma are successfully urged to be conscientious about getting the flu shot, resulting in only one third of sufferers being vaccinated.

Although research has found no conclusive evidence that the Flu Shot adversely affects the symptoms of Asthma during flu season, it neither has conclusive evidence in preventing nor lessening the symptoms at the time of or after receiving the vaccination. One thing to consider if you are an Asthma sufferer is that, having Asthma does not make you more vulnerable to the flu, but it does raise the risks of pneumonia.

Having a good offense is sometimes the best defense. There are several natural options in preventing attacks and building your immune system to fight off infections that can be tastefully added to your daily routine.

3 cups of Java a day: Caffeine has been a preventative since the 19th century and opens the bronchia’s.

Onions: loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and are also good with fighting against a cold.

Spice it up! Chili’s, ginger and garlic oh my! : stimulate fluids in the mouth, throat, and lungs, thinning out mucus.

OJ and Kiwi! Regular V-C builds the immune system

Salmon and the fatty fish gang: they contain omega-3 fatty acid that help lungs react better to irritants and also helps prevent the onset of Asthma.

Yogurt: B-12 is a lung loving vitamin.

Reduce salt intake as it makes the airways more sensitive.

The natural options provided help boost your body’s immune system and should work in unison with your doctor’s advice.

Tid Bits on Stronger Whiter Teeth

Professional Writing Example

Brusha, brusha, brusha, buy the new Ipana! Let’s face it, as we get older the signs of age is usually revealed in our teeth, not the most gracefully either. Brushing and flossing daily are well known good habits we have grown accustomed to, just like our bad ones, coffee, wine, sodas, and yes smoking, all our rites of passage into adulthood. However, taking our mothers advice in our youth of eating more veggies mixed with using some genius mother’s kitchen techniques, we can be healthier and can appear timeless, by erasing some tell-tale signs of some adult indulgences.

“Berry” White:  His songs may refresh your soul, but not your teeth. I am talking about strawberries! This special berry not only helps lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, but the Vitamin-C and malic acid in the berry will help polish away plaque build-up and surface stains. Whip up a nice strawberry paste and have some tasty fun brushing!

Baking Soda and lemon juice: Baking soda is not a new concept in teeth care, but brushing for one minute once a week with this combination will generate a lasting impression. The sodium bicarbonate in the baking soda will remove surface stains, while the lemon will provide the bleaching effect.

Cheese, glorious Cheese!: Who says it is only an appetizer? The milk protein casein, calcium and phosphates in cheese can help prevent cavities and nourish the enamel. So why not make cheese your dessert?

An apple a day…: well not just an apple, but any crunchy fruits or veggies will not only act as a natural abrasive, but also stimulate saliva production that act as a detergent, washing away stains and particles.

Keeping regular appointments with your dentist is always the sure way to know you are on the right track.

Has Obama delivered his idea of change? Has he empowered you with the “yes you can” mentality?

Professional Campaign Example

Has Obama delivered his idea of change? Has he empowered you with the “yes you can” mentality?

November 2012

be the change

Obama’s campaign brought about a flash flood of emotion and inspiration to the American people. Not just because of his well-read and charismatic approach, but just his being, that of black heritage, a deep signal of change in how Americans view the true meaning of equality. When he stood before us and with us in hopes to bring about change, the undertone, that some people picked up on, was that of the words of John F. Kennedy, “it is not what your country can do for you, its what you can do for your country”. The people of America at this time, finally were faced with the clear and present danger of losing everything… their homes, their livelihood, and for the first time in decades, the American people began to see how many personal rights and freedoms were being tossed aside to protect only the enemy.

The words and the presence of Obama somehow empowered us as a people to make the change by exhibiting and exercising our rights to make that change, without the help or heavy reliance on our government.  We knew as a people, it was up to us, not a single president to start making that change. Since Obama became president a huge movement, Occupy Wallstreet, has emerged and sustained itself longer than any movement in the US, since the Vietnam war. It has not only united Americans in the fight to protect the livelihood and prosperity that is fundamentally “protected” in our constitution, but it also inspired and motivated people around the world to make fundamental changes in the way they view society, community, and country. It showed us that everything we do, has an effect on not just us, but all of those around us, moreover in a positive way.

Our fear of losing everything by speaking up, speaking out, and facing the oppressors, not just the politicians, government, and the rich, but ourselves as the oppressors, this fear dissipated when we were empowered or had the feeling of empowerment to make a change. Since then, we have taken to the streets and said, no more. Here comes the change, and this change can be seen everywhere. Many of the banks, politicians, and thieving CEOs are being held accountable for their actions. The police are being exposed for their over use of power, and most importantly, because people are uniting together to fight the lions of injustice, many people who would be homeless today, because of public financial programming and thievery of Banks, are remaining in their homes because of the help of the movement. Our neighbors and people we have never met before in our lives, have put their lives on the line, have taken their time, and risked being jailed, to keep people in their homes in this fight against foreclosures.

The widespread organization, communication and sense of community that has come from the Occupy movement, helped prepare logistics, volunteerism, and execution of help to those hit by hurricane Sandy. Where we tend to rely on our government to help us, the people took to the neighborhoods and helped to rescue, feed, clothe, and house people devastated in this natural disaster.

The people who have taken to the streets in protest, fighting for our freedom are the true patriots of this country and this is the point. Freedom will never just be handed to you, you always have to be aware and take action to preserve your freedom. Obama had and still has a long road of repaving to do and the change we envision for our country will not happen overnight, but if you only open your eyes and look around you, you see through your neighbors and through yourselves, the change is happening. The foundation of hope and change has been laid, that foundational change will help Obama succeed at helping us help ourselves. Keep in mind, if you remain in your bubble, remain sitting on your couch and only accepting the status quo, which is all you will ever have. If you think the change, all the corrections come from a little man in a white house or all the bureaucrats who sign deals with those who ultimately oppress you, then nothing will ever change.

It took me leaving my homeland and watching all of this transpire from afar, to really be proud of my country. Not in namesake, as that is still tainted. But the community and society that has been developing since Obama became president. I hope of course, Obama will be re-elected so he may continue to plug away at changing what he is capable of changing from the top, while empowering us to change things from the bottom. Should Romney become our next president, I only hope we can still feel that empowerment to keeping making a difference on our own.

The Embodyment of In no sense

Written as a fictional article for XXXtravaganza Online Magazine on the roots of sexual objectification. Published October 2012

The Embodyment of Innosense

sexed horse

Looking back on my life and the lives of people I have had considerable contact with, I make attempts to see crucial moments of impact.  Moments that have considerable influence on our thought processes, decisions, how we look at life, and how life in turn looks at us. Society, religion, and media have a significant monopoly on regulating our behavior, especially when it comes to our roles, gender roles in particular. But in my experience, the most significant and what should be the most trustworthy, is that of the family. The family is meant to analyze, interpret, clarify, and in many cases transcend these social signals. My moment of impact came from an amalgamation of familiar and social communications, when I accepted my status as a whore (figurative). When I saw my role in life to be a full-time job and that I should be the boss. A single correspondence between my father and me exemplifies my embodyment of in no sense.

My Dearest Father,

I came across this letter you wrote to me when I was 15 years old. Do you remember writing this to me?

My Dearest Daughter,

First and foremost, I want you to know how much I love and adore you. You are my angel and princess. I know my restrictions on you in the last years have been hard. I know you think you hate me because I control how late you are allowed to stay out, what you wear, and with whom you go out. But it is for your own good. I am only trying to protect you from the mischief of men. I know it is hard for you to understand at this time, but at some point I hope you will. The truth is that men, especially boys, are driven by their desire for sex. I know with your hormones raging as they are, you are also highly vulnerable to these coercions. I only want to preserve your innocence as long as possible. You cannot trust men, especially these boys, because they lack the capacity to think beyond their hormone driven disposition. I know you also think you hate me, because I give your brother Jake, more freedoms, but he is a man. I do not have to worry about him getting raped or pregnant. I do not know what I would do if anything happened to you my princess. Please try not to hate me for my wanting to protect you. I only want the best for you.

All the love in the world,

Your father

I know we have not spoken much since I finished college over 10 years ago, but I have been busy trying to find my place in this world. As a young woman, I looked up to you and we always did things together. In my eyes you were the perfect man. You were always there and you treated mom and me like queens. I do not know the personal details about your divorce, but, through my own experiences in relationships and life, I have a pretty good idea of what happened.

As I have wandered through this journey of life, I have always had in the back of my mind what you said in this letter that you wrote me so long ago, “men are driven by their desire for sex and that you cannot trust them.” You were right, at the time I despised you so much for not allowing me to learn how to carry myself in this man’s world, but rather you kept me hidden away. I could not understand how it was fair to keep me in solitude, as an unattainable object, while you let Jake have free run of his exuberance.

When I was a girl and dreamed of one day getting married, I only wished to have a man as devoted and true as you. But in the end, not even you were impervious to your own theory. I loved how you took care of me and mother, but as an adult, I came to resent how you kept us dependent on you. Your energies given to our preservation, protection, and even adoration in the end, propagated your theory of men and became a self-fulfilling prophecy, not only for you, but also for Jake. Giving him his freedoms without censure, allowed him to have two children and become a father to neither.

All my life, I have been in and out of relationships, unable to trust the men I am with. I cannot even say that at any time did any of them truly ever deserve my trust or what should be valued in me the most. But, even if they had, I would not have known, because I never really knew my true value myself, until now. I am now 35 years old. I have a college education and I live a free life, however, alone. I have sought to find the right guy and in my most recent attempts, I placed an ad in the personals of Craigslist, amongst others, and I have to say, I hit rock bottom, when Jake responded to my ad, not knowing it was me, with nothing but a picture of his cock.

I know this perpetuation of objectifications is unlikely to change overnight or even at all. But for myself, I can change the way in which I am objectified and at least demand value for that which men desire most. If men will only ever see me as an object, then I shall collect on the fruits of this labor and expect remuneration. I can play the game along with them, but from now on, the game will be played with my rules or not at all.

So to respond to your letter father, I do understand. I understand, the who, what, why, and how…vividly. I do not hate you, I never did. I am only disappointed that when you were given the position in life to empower your children and to teach them dignity, honor, and respect, you took the easy way…to go with the status quo. But, father, it was not all for nothing, as I have become powerful and prosperous only because of this deficiency of men and because you taught me never to trust them because of it.

Your Dearest Daughter