Waxing Poetic on Ear Infections

Professional Writing Example

The warm spring and summer months are quickly rejuvenating its yearly exhibitions. Children and adults alike are intoxicatingly gazing at the lakes, water parks and backyard pools to unleash the winter’s restraints. As nature provides an abundance of greens, purples, blues and yellows; birds singing and animals gathering; people, society, and family coming together sharing happy traditions adding to the celebration of life outside of hibernation, and so are bacteria’s, pollens, and microbials.

As these warm months invite us into the pools of youthful life, we should be mindful in preventing these unwanteds from raining on our parade. Having an ear infection or swimmer’s ear during the height of our gaiety is one very unhappy and uncomfortable, yet frequent fun deflator. These ear infections are not limited to our jubilant and impetuous children. Adults too are at risk, if not higher, with myriad options for extreme water sports and adult fun that distract us from taking care of our ears.

Keeping in mind that these unwanteds like warm and moist places, such as ears, there are some simple ways to prevent pesky ear infections from ruining your warm months of fun and sun.

There is a saying, “never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear”. Stay away from Q-tips and remember Ear-tips…

After swimming, tilt both ears over your towel to help drain access water. Then saturate a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide, tilt head and allow the peroxide to drip into ear. You will hear the fizzing and get a little tickle as the peroxide rounds up those pests…go ahead and laugh! Then tilt your ear over the towel, allowing the peroxide and the nasty unwanteds to make their way out; repeat with the other ear. Take another cotton ball and saturate it with alcohol; squeeze and drop into the ear and then release. The alcohol will help dry out the ear after your swimming and peroxide-festivity helping to prevent infection.

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About amberheyman

Rules… Learn’em, know ‚em, break ‚em In the contemporary creative world, it is easy to replace stylistic integrity and creative vision with flashy commercialism and tasteless outsourcing to cut corners. I have opted to traverse with a more difficult path toward artistic freedom. In striving for this freedom, I feel I am set a part from my peers and can experiment with more innovative ideas and concepts. My mission is to expand the horizon of the viewer perspective and introduce them to a world of contemplation…a new way of thinking. I believe that words alone merely scratch the surface with the limited attention span of 21st century tradition. It takes a symbolic partnership of words and stimulating textural imagery to add a valuable dimension to our new forms of communication to illicit feeling and emotion. Many of my pieces, written or designed seek to expand and enhance current visual stimulations combining formal and more informal principles. By drawing upon my experiences, I am able to bring each piece alive with vibrant colors, cerebral background, all of which telling a story. Using text, color, and images on canvasses such as: PhotoShop, Illustrator, and In Design, I convey a message to the observer, in hopes that they gain an insight and perspective unique to that of which they had prior to experiencing my work. The traditional rules and principles of formal classical training are still present in my work, but are heavily foreshadowed by an instinctual need to express an idea without constraint. I seek to work with businesses and individuals who share my affinity for beauty and freedom of expression without restraints. I have always worked and lived with the idea that, mainstream is the easy and mindless way to achieve. I prefer working against the currents and making ripples. Standing out as a wallflower and making a statement that separates one from the many. Working as a freelancer fosters my vision of life and working with multiple others to facilitate the free exchange of ideas. Your future footprint should innovate, foster, and insight a long lasting impression and transcend to a new paradigm and in order to achieve this greatness one must realize: rules are meant to be broken! So what is holding you back?

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