Ich liebe mein Halloumi aber wo ist mein Schnitzel?

Mittlerweile sind 68 Jahre seit dem Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs vergangen. Diejenigen die das Glück hatten die Herausforderungen, die Brutalität und die Zerstörung zu überleben, kommen ihren Lebensabenden immer näher und werden durch die Zeit in den Geschichtsbüchern verewigt. Jede neue Generation hat Hoffnungen, die sie für die Gegenwart entwickelt, um von der alten Generation zu lernen und manches anders zu machen. In ihren Versuchen, den Residuen zu begegnen, opfern sie ihrem Gewissen und das Gewissen der Anderen für einen falschen Ehrgeiz. Dieser falsche Ehrgeiz lässt das jetzige Bild in der Gegenwart zu Asche verbrennen. Man kann die Vergangenheit nicht ohne Konsequenz zufrieden stellen.

nostalgic german couple 2

Seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges hat Deutschland seine Souveränität, seine Identität und das ehemals tief verankerte Geschichtsbewusstsein aufgegeben. Der Generationenvertrag wurde gebrochen und wird gekrönt von einem niemals enden wollenden Zahlungsprozess von Reparationen. Hass und Schande verewigen sich zu einem tiefen Krater anstatt die eigentliche Absicht des Generationenvertrags zu verfolgen. Haben wir die wahre Bedeutung der Vergebung vergessen?

Ich bin Amerikanerin mit deutschen und jüdischen Wurzeln. Ich komme aus einem Land, dass von anderen Ländern, Kulturen, Klassen und der Welt selbst Wiedergutmachung verlangt. So halten wir die verglorifizierte Fahne der Freiheit empor und sind uns nicht bewusst über die damit einhergehende Schande. Ich kam nach Deutschland ohne auf die historische Vergangenheit herab zu blicken. Ich fühle mich hier zugehörig auch in der derzeitigen Lage in der es sich befindet. Ich lebe nun in Deutschland und kann sagen, dass ich stolz auf „mein“ Land, „mein“ Deutschland, bin.

Da ich aus einer Kultur ohne Identität mit einem Sammelbecken aus unterschiedlichsten Kulturen komme, kann ich mich zum ersten Mal zu diesem neuen Gefühl bekennen. Allerdings beabsichtige ich nicht deutsche Identität für mich zu beanspruchen, so wie es die „Eingeladenen“ und „Unwissenden“ versuchen. Ich bin nach Deutschland gekommen, weil es mir mein Gewissen aufgetragen hat.

Ich habe eine Vorliebe für multikulturelle Gesellschaften aufgrund meiner Sozialisation, aber ich habe gleichzeitig ein starkes Verlangen zu einer deutschen Identität bedingt durch mein familiäres Erbe. Berlin, als Hauptstadt dieser großartigen Nation und als „Mekka“ der urbanen Multikultur mit zahlreichen Falafel und Halloumi Läden an jeder Ecke, werden durch die omnipräsenten „Befreier“ in den Vordergrund gestellt und somit geraten deutsche Architektur und Geschichte immer mehr in den Schatten der Schuldgefühle. Leider wird Berlin als Ausverkauf einer McDonalds Version von den meisten Touristen wahrgenommen und der Alexanderplatz als einziges Berliner Wahrzeichen aufgefasst. Leute werden nur das sehen was sie sehen wollen und Deutschland wird nur das zeigen was es bereit ist von seiner Absolution Preis zu geben. Jenseits von der Stadtmitte wird man vermutlich mehr und mehr enttäuscht sein deutsches Erbe zu entdecken geschweige denn was es heisst in Deutschland zu sein. Diese Orte sind die Identität der Nachkriegszeit.

Es hängen keine deutschen Fahnen  an den Türen ( es sei denn ein Fussballspiel steht bevor), immer mehr fremde Sprachen dominieren und kein Biergarten kann aufgesucht werden um den Durst zu stillen. Die einzige „Sprache“ ist das Graffiti, aber diese „Sprache“ ist nicht verständlich. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat man gelernt sich selbst zu hassen und zu leugnen und den angeborenen patriotischen Stolz zu unterdrücken.

Aber es gibt eine neue Bewegung, die wie die apokalyptischen Reiter reitet. Die Zeit ist gekommen die Marginalisierung zu stoppen und das Resultat der Geschichte anzuerkennen. Nur wenn jeder von uns den Verlauf der Geschichte verstanden hat, kann eine Wiederbelebung dieser verhindert werden. Die deutsche Identität darf nicht geopfert werden für ein untergeordnetes Ziel. Das deutsche Erbe ist abhanden gekommen und die Deutschen sollten nicht dafür missachtet werden dieses zurück zu verlangen.

I Love my Halloumi, but Where is my Schnitzel?

It has been nearly 68 years since the end of the war. Those who were lucky to have survived its provocations, its brutality and ruin are absconding, taken by time. A new generation as always develops in hopes to make its presence known, mandating justice for the wrongs committed before them. In their attempts to counter the residuals, they sacrifice their conscience and the conscience of others to ambition, burning a picture only to obtain the ashes. One cannot satiate the victims without consequence…by creating more.nostalgic german couple 2

Since the end of WWII, Germany has relinquished its sovereignty, its identity, its profound history, and dignity to the reparations of a generation that views absolution as a never ending process capped with a dollar sign; perpetuating a hate and shame that runs deeper than the Grand Canyon itself, rather than its true intention. Have we forgotten the true meaning of forgiveness or how it is achieved and given?

I am an American with German and Jewish heritage. I come from a country that has taken away more from other nations, cultures, classes, and the Earth itself without reparations, yet we raise our flags in the glory of our shame. I visit Germany without regard to the historical propaganda and only with eyes to see what is before me and instantly I feel like I am home. I now live in Germany and for the first time I am proud to say I love my country, my Germany. I of course would, since I am able to see it and live it differently, coming from a culture that never had a clearly defined identity other than a melting pot of cultures it can steal from. But I did not come to Germany to steal her identity like many have invited or unknowingly. I came to Germany because my conscience dictated it.

As I have a fondness for a multicultural environment due to my nurturing, I also have a strong desire to identify with my heritage. Berlin, the capital of this great nation, the mecca of multi-culture, Falafel and Halloumi shops on every corner, seeing the still omnipresent division of past “liberators” all foreshadowing the old German architecture and stories before the great (sham)e. Sadly, the only part of Berlin seen by most, is the sold out McDonalds version and do not dare to venture beyond Alexanderplatz. But people will only see what they want to see and Germany will show you just that, because this is the definition of absolution.

Beyond the city center one would see less and less of what one might think of German or what it means to be in Germany. This is where the city radiates its new found post war identity. No German flags hanging outside the front doors (unless there is a football game), more foreign languages than German spoken, and no bier gardens to quench your thirst. The only voice one really sees is in the graffiti, but the language is unknown. It is safe to say, that in the decades of learning to hate one’s self and deny one’s self the innate pride a nation should have for itself, there is a movement coming….the rider on the pale horse rides once again. The time has come to stop marginalizing  the outcome of history, as it has been written and pay attention to how that history came to be and see how you, me, and everyone else is contributing to its revival. Stop sacrificing Germany’s identity to ambition. Germany has a heritage and somehow it has been lost in translation and the people of Germany should not be held in contempt for wanting it back.

BBC News: Inside Mississippi’s last abortion clinic as it faces closure

America has fathered more “bastards” than third world countries and this is representative in our culture and society. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, YOU ARE part of the problem.

via BBC News: Inside Mississippi’s last abortion clinic as it faces closure.

Inside Mississippi’s last abortion clinic as it faces closure

In response to this rapid “pro-Life” movement in the freest nation in the world, America is facing systematic and epidemic foreclosure on the rights of women. As the newscast aired on January 22nd on BBC News and the approaching closure of Mississppi’s last remaining abortion clinics, one can feel nothing but sadness, not relief, sadness with the impending doom these children will be born into.

Dare not be mistaken with the term “Pro-Life” as meaning to be pro the life once born, nor the” pro” of safety, financial security, the “pro” of their education or health.  “Pro-Life” has nothing to do with the wellbeing or quality of life to these children born to unwed mothers, mothers with more children than one can handle, to teenagers, to rape victims, and who are ultimately fatherless. These people who fight for the life of an unborn fetus, have no regard for fighting for the rights of the mother who can not only take of herself, she cannot take care of a child and is forced on welfare, forced on Medicaid, and forced into a life ultimately dooming her unborn child from the get go.

America has fathered more unwanted children than third world countries and this is representative in our culture and society. Fathers are raised not to be responsible for their offspring and the government substantiates that with every child left without his presence and or child support. America rewards the mothers who give birth unable to support them by declaring they make too much money for Medicaid if they make $7/ hour working full-time; they are rewarded by not being able to work because their paychecks go to childcare, where someone else can neglect and or raise her child. It is not about saving a life, it is about the quality of life.

So to all those “Pro-Lifers” blowing up clinics, harassing women at clinic doors, lobbyists who persuade the men in congress to take this right to choose from women, I have a grand solution to the problem, because you will not take your moralistic energy and fight to solve the future consequences to this action… pick a woman, any woman about to terminate her pregnancy, because she knows she cannot provide and she cares about her child’s wellbeing when society will not and make it your personal endeavor to see her and her child are taken care of, without interference. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, YOU ARE part of the problem.

Has Obama delivered his idea of change? Has he empowered you with the “yes you can” mentality?

Professional Campaign Example

Has Obama delivered his idea of change? Has he empowered you with the “yes you can” mentality?

November 2012

be the change

Obama’s campaign brought about a flash flood of emotion and inspiration to the American people. Not just because of his well-read and charismatic approach, but just his being, that of black heritage, a deep signal of change in how Americans view the true meaning of equality. When he stood before us and with us in hopes to bring about change, the undertone, that some people picked up on, was that of the words of John F. Kennedy, “it is not what your country can do for you, its what you can do for your country”. The people of America at this time, finally were faced with the clear and present danger of losing everything… their homes, their livelihood, and for the first time in decades, the American people began to see how many personal rights and freedoms were being tossed aside to protect only the enemy.

The words and the presence of Obama somehow empowered us as a people to make the change by exhibiting and exercising our rights to make that change, without the help or heavy reliance on our government.  We knew as a people, it was up to us, not a single president to start making that change. Since Obama became president a huge movement, Occupy Wallstreet, has emerged and sustained itself longer than any movement in the US, since the Vietnam war. It has not only united Americans in the fight to protect the livelihood and prosperity that is fundamentally “protected” in our constitution, but it also inspired and motivated people around the world to make fundamental changes in the way they view society, community, and country. It showed us that everything we do, has an effect on not just us, but all of those around us, moreover in a positive way.

Our fear of losing everything by speaking up, speaking out, and facing the oppressors, not just the politicians, government, and the rich, but ourselves as the oppressors, this fear dissipated when we were empowered or had the feeling of empowerment to make a change. Since then, we have taken to the streets and said, no more. Here comes the change, and this change can be seen everywhere. Many of the banks, politicians, and thieving CEOs are being held accountable for their actions. The police are being exposed for their over use of power, and most importantly, because people are uniting together to fight the lions of injustice, many people who would be homeless today, because of public financial programming and thievery of Banks, are remaining in their homes because of the help of the movement. Our neighbors and people we have never met before in our lives, have put their lives on the line, have taken their time, and risked being jailed, to keep people in their homes in this fight against foreclosures.

The widespread organization, communication and sense of community that has come from the Occupy movement, helped prepare logistics, volunteerism, and execution of help to those hit by hurricane Sandy. Where we tend to rely on our government to help us, the people took to the neighborhoods and helped to rescue, feed, clothe, and house people devastated in this natural disaster.

The people who have taken to the streets in protest, fighting for our freedom are the true patriots of this country and this is the point. Freedom will never just be handed to you, you always have to be aware and take action to preserve your freedom. Obama had and still has a long road of repaving to do and the change we envision for our country will not happen overnight, but if you only open your eyes and look around you, you see through your neighbors and through yourselves, the change is happening. The foundation of hope and change has been laid, that foundational change will help Obama succeed at helping us help ourselves. Keep in mind, if you remain in your bubble, remain sitting on your couch and only accepting the status quo, which is all you will ever have. If you think the change, all the corrections come from a little man in a white house or all the bureaucrats who sign deals with those who ultimately oppress you, then nothing will ever change.

It took me leaving my homeland and watching all of this transpire from afar, to really be proud of my country. Not in namesake, as that is still tainted. But the community and society that has been developing since Obama became president. I hope of course, Obama will be re-elected so he may continue to plug away at changing what he is capable of changing from the top, while empowering us to change things from the bottom. Should Romney become our next president, I only hope we can still feel that empowerment to keeping making a difference on our own.